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History of 17 sustainable development goals


Summary of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives established by the United Nations to address pressing global challenges and promote a sustainable future for all by 2030. Here's a detailed overview of the history behind the SDGs.

17 sustainable development goals images

1. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1992)

The journey toward the SDGs began with the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where world leaders gathered to discuss environmental issues and sustainable development.

The Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan for global action to promote sustainable development in the 21st century, was adopted. It emphasized the importance of integrating environmental and developmental concerns.

2. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (2000)

In 2000, the UN adopted the Millennium Declaration, leading to the creation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These eight goals aimed to address various global issues, such as poverty, hunger, education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, disease, environmental sustainability, and global partnership.

The MDGs had a target date of 2015 and played a significant role in raising awareness and mobilizing efforts for global development, but they also had limitations, including a lack of focus on environmental sustainability and inequality.

3. The Rio+20 Conference (2012)

In 2012, the UN convened the Rio+20 Conference to review progress on sustainable development. The conference produced the "Future We Want" outcome document, which emphasized the need for a new set of goals to build upon the MDGs and address environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainable development.

The conference called for a process to develop a set of sustainable development goals that would integrate the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable development.

4. Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (2013-2014)

An Open Working Group (OWG) was established to develop a proposal for the SDGs. The group consisted of 30 member states and engaged in consultations with civil society, businesses, and other stakeholders.

After extensive discussions and negotiations, the OWG submitted a proposal in 2014, outlining 17 goals and 169 targets focused on ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity for all.

5. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2015)

In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which included the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 associated targets.

The agenda emphasizes a transformative vision for sustainable development, calling for global partnerships, inclusivity, and leaving no one behind.

6. Implementation and Monitoring

The SDGs are designed to be universal, applicable to all countries regardless of their level of development. They call for collective efforts from governments, civil society, businesses, and individuals.

The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) was established to facilitate the review and monitoring of progress towards the SDGs, with countries expected to report on their advancements.

7. Continued Evolution and Global Engagement

Since their adoption, various international events and conferences have focused on the SDGs, promoting awareness, best practices, and collaboration to achieve the goals by 2030.

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to the progress of the SDGs, highlighting the need for resilient and inclusive recovery strategies that align with sustainable development principles.

Summary of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

No Poverty

Zero Hunger

Good Health and Well-Being

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Clean Water and Sanitation

Affordable and Clean Energy

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Reduced Inequality

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Responsible Consumption and Production

Climate Action

Life Below Water

Life on Land

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Partnerships for the Goals

The SDGs represent a comprehensive framework aimed at addressing the interconnected challenges of poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice, emphasizing a collaborative approach to create a sustainable future for all.


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