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50 HTML interview questions and answers for freshers and experience


HTML interview questions and answers

Here’s a list of 50 HTML interview questions and answers covering various aspects of HTML, from beginner to advanced levels:

HTML interview questions and answers for freshers and experience

Basic Questions 

What is HTML?

Answer: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.

What is the purpose of <!DOCTYPE html>?

Answer: It declares the document type and version of HTML. It helps the browser to render the content correctly.

What are HTML tags?

Answer: Tags are elements in HTML used to define the structure and content of a web page. Example: <div>, <h1>, <p>.

What are the different types of lists in HTML?

Answer: Ordered (<ol>), unordered (<ul>), and description (<dl>).

What is the difference between an element and a tag?

Answer: A tag is part of the element. An element includes the opening tag, the closing tag, and the content between them.

What is a self-closing tag?

Answer: A tag that doesn't need a closing tag. Example: <img>, <br>, <hr>.

What is an attribute in HTML?

Answer: Attributes provide additional information about an element. Example: <img src="image.jpg" alt="description">.

What is the difference between id and class attributes?

Answer: id is unique and used for a single element, while class can be applied to multiple elements.

How do you create a hyperlink in HTML?

Answer: Using the <a> tag: <a href="url">Link</a>.

What is the <head> tag used for?

Answer: It contains meta-information about the HTML document, like the title, links to stylesheets, and scripts.

Intermediate Questions

What are semantic HTML elements?

Answer: Elements that clearly define their meaning in a human- and machine-readable way. Example: <article>, <section>, <header>, <footer>.

What’s the difference between block-level and inline elements?

Answer: Block-level elements take up the full width of their container (e.g., <div>, <p>), while inline elements only take up as much space as their content (e.g., <span>, <a>).

How do you include images in HTML?

Answer: Using the <img> tag: <img src="image.jpg" alt="description">.

What is the <table> tag used for?

Answer: To create tables. It includes elements like <tr>, <th>, and <td> for rows, headers, and cells.

How do you embed videos in HTML?

Answer: Using the <video> tag: <video controls> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>.

What is an iframe?

Answer: An inline frame used to embed another HTML document within the current one: <iframe src="url"></iframe>.

What is the <meta> tag used for?

Answer: It provides metadata about the HTML document, such as character set, page description, and keywords.

How do you comment in HTML?

Answer: <!-- Comment -->.

What is the purpose of the <form> tag?

Answer: It is used to collect user input through elements like <input>, <textarea>, <select>, etc.

How do you link a CSS file to an HTML document?

Answer: Using the <link> tag inside the <head>: <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">.

Advanced Questions

What is the difference between the <b> and <strong> tags?

Answer: <b> simply makes text bold, while <strong> indicates that the text is of strong importance.

What is the difference between the <i> and <em> tags?

Answer: <i> makes text italic, while <em> emphasizes the text.

What is HTML5?

Answer: The latest version of HTML, with new elements, attributes, and behaviors. It also offers better support for multimedia and graphical content.

What are new form elements in HTML5?

Answer: Some new elements include <input type="email">, <input type="number">, <input type="date">, and <input type="range">.

What is the <canvas> tag used for?

Answer: To draw graphics on the fly via JavaScript.

What are Web Workers in HTML5?

Answer: Web Workers allow scripts to run in the background without affecting the performance of the web page.

What is the purpose of the <nav> tag in HTML5?

Answer: It defines a block of navigation links.

How do you create a checkbox and a radio button in HTML?


Checkbox: <input type="checkbox">

Radio button: <input type="radio">

What is the purpose of the data-* attribute in HTML5?

Answer: It stores custom data that can be used in JavaScript.

What is the difference between <section> and <div>?

Answer: <section> is a semantic element representing a standalone section, while <div> is a generic container with no semantic meaning.

What is the <figure> and <figcaption> tag used for?

Answer: They are used to group media content (like images, charts) with their caption.

How do you make an element draggable in HTML5?

Answer: Using the draggable="true" attribute on the element.

What is the difference between <input type="submit"> and <button type="submit">?

Answer: <input> creates a basic submit button, while <button> allows you to add additional HTML inside, like images or text.

What is local storage in HTML5?

Answer: It allows you to store data in the browser persistently (even after the browser is closed).

What are the new media elements introduced in HTML5?

Answer: <audio>, <video>, and <source>.

What is the difference between sessionStorage and localStorage?

Answer: localStorage persists even after the browser is closed, while sessionStorage is cleared when the page session ends.

What is the difference between the <article> and <aside> elements?

Answer: <article> represents a complete, independent content piece, while <aside> contains content related to the main content, such as sidebars.

How can you make an HTML element editable?

Answer: By using the contenteditable attribute: <div contenteditable="true">Edit me</div>.

What is the placeholder attribute in HTML5?

Answer: It provides a hint to the user of what can be entered in the input field.

What is the <output> element in HTML5?

Answer: It is used to display the result of a calculation.


What is the Geolocation API in HTML5?

Answer: It allows the browser to get the geographical position of the user.

What is the Drag and Drop API in HTML5?

Answer: It allows for the dragging and dropping of HTML elements.

What is the History API in HTML5?

Answer: It allows manipulation of the browser history through JavaScript, enabling navigation without refreshing the page.

What is the WebSocket API in HTML5?

Answer: It enables real-time, two-way communication between the browser and the server.

What is the <progress> element in HTML5?

Answer: It represents the completion progress of a task, such as a download.

What is the purpose of the <mark> tag in HTML5?

Answer: It highlights or marks text for reference or importance.

What is the difference between the <audio> and <embed> tags?

Answer: <audio> is used for playing sound, while <embed> is used for embedding external resources like PDFs or videos.

What are Microdata in HTML5?

Answer: Microdata allows you to nest metadata within HTML content to define machine-readable data.

What is the difference between <bdi> and <bdo>?

Answer: <bdi> isolates a span of text from the surrounding text's directionality, while <bdo> explicitly sets the text direction.

What is the <datalist> element?

Answer: It provides a list of predefined options to an <input> element.


Thanks for reading 50 HTML interview questions and answers for freshers and experience

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